Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rough Bench Design

Simple and effective bench.
I have two of these in my workshop. They are very sturdy and utilitarian as you can see; no real frills here.

Step 1: Create a rectangle 2' X 8' from 2ea parts B and C; secure with 3" deck screws.

Step 2: Attach 3/4" Plywood top; attach with 2" deck screws about 18" apart, around the perimeter.

Step 3: Lay the, now assembled top, upside down. Place the legs in the corners, inside the 2X4 banding, allowing them to rest against the underside of the 3/4" plywood top. Secure from two sides on each leg with 4ea. 3" deck screws

Step 4: Turn the table up on its legs. Use the remaining 2x4 pieces to form a band around the bottom of the legs, about 8" off the ground. This will stabilize the structure.

Step 5: Place time 3/4 plywood shelf on the lower banding. Screw in with 2" deck screws about 24 - 30 " apart. This is only to keep the shelf from moving around.

Options: Buy heavy duty caster for the bottoms of the legs. If you do this you will most likely need to plan for this to get the leg length, and shelf height, correct.

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